Episode 264

May 23, 2024


3rd Degree the Podcast #264

Hosted by

Buzz Carrick Peter Welpton Dan Crooke
3rd Degree the Podcast #264
3rd Degree the Podcast
3rd Degree the Podcast #264

May 23 2024 | 01:04:57


Show Notes

This week on 3rd Degree the Podcast, your hosts - Peter Welpton, Dan Crooke, and Buzz Carrick - get the joy of an MLS road tie and a Cup win.  Maarten Paes is flying high and keeping the club in games while the injuries keep piling up - 8 starters were missing for the Cup game.  But a win is a win even if the draw for the next round wasn't great.  FCD also tied in Houston and it felt like a win with standout performances by Nolan Norris and Sam Junqua.  The next stretch of games is a bitch, starting with RSL in town this weekend. Buzz does a Ted Talk on how the club should Paxton Pomykal and rants a little about the club pipeline.  Plus you can find out what the discord named Buzz's dog, who keeps trying to join the show. 

3rd Degree the Podcast is brought to you by Soccer90.com. 20% Off for All 3rd Degree Podcast listeners with Promo Code 3RDDEGREE on Soccer90.com OR in person in the store!  Just mention the code.  Some exclusions may apply.

And, 3rd Degree the Podcast is brought to you by the Lindstrom Law Firm. For wills, trusts, probate, and business law, call 469-515-2559 or visit Lindstrom Law Firm dot com for a free consultation.

Music by Pappy Check!

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:00:04] Speaker B: Ooh ooh. [00:00:09] Speaker C: Third degree the third degree nap, I guess. [00:00:18] Speaker B: Third degree the third degree nap, I guess. Third degree the third degree nap I can third degree the podcast is brought to you by Soccer 90 Dot. Want to get your hands on the newest FC Dallas True brand collab and score a deal this Memorial day only. Get the FC Dallas true brand DFW hat for 25% off. Regular price. Sale is online [email protected]. starts at 09:00 a.m. friday morning. Hurry. This is a limited inventory event. Sale ends on Memorial Day. Don't forget, with the code third degree at online or in store, you get 20% off on most other things in the store. Soccer 93rd degree. The podcast is also brought to you by the Lindstrom law firm. For Wills trust, probates and business law. Call 469-515-2559 or visit lundstromlaw firm.com for a free consultation. [00:01:07] Speaker A: Well, hello there FC Dallas. Curious fan. Welcome to episode 264 of Third Degree, the podcast. And boy, we're on the heels of another victoire. As just a little while ago, your burn defeated the rowdies in Tampa in a game that I think most of us were feeling pretty, pretty at. Well, let me put it. So I think we all had our doubts or we were all prepared for the worst and hoped for the best. But it was the best as Dallas beat Tampa and will proceed in the US Open cup by a score of two to one. And that proceeded a game in Houston where Dallas ended up tying everybody one one. Buzz your temperature please, sir. [00:01:55] Speaker B: Well, to be fair, Dallas, I think if I just count it correctly, is four, one and one in the last five, six games. So as bad as this team is, they managed to figured out how to get results. Granted, two of them are against USL teams in the cup. But whatever you take wins when they come and you have to feel better about the results, you know? And results is what matters. You know, we, we talk about wanting a quality team and a quality performance. We evaluate how they play, but at the end of the day, only thing that matters is the scoreboard. So welcome to a season of grinding out results, I guess. [00:02:31] Speaker A: Yeah, speaking of results, let's. I was doing a little bit of math before we started recording. In the month of March, the team was owing for zero points out of an available twelve. In April, they won one game and collected five points out of an available twelve. And currently, as you said, in the month of May, they're in league play. They're one, one and one. But for the month of May. They're actually three, one and one because of the two open cup games. And I, it is a weird, jarring reality that for all of the doom and gloom and kind of feeling like this is a long season ahead of us. Like you said, buzz, they've been figuring out how to make this thing happen and they got another, another win tonight and I guess we get to play another open cup game. Yahoo. [00:03:20] Speaker B: Yeah. I mean, you know, if you like the cup, which I certainly do, I think that's exciting, you know, that they get to go at this morning, which is not, not a lot of fun, but you know that when, when Dallas holds the opposition under three, they tend to get results, particularly if they hold them under two. That goes well. So, you know, that's, again, we talk about this coach being defensive minded and how they, and they set up to grind out these games and they have a great keeper that keeps them in games with these phenomenal saves. I'm sure that the coach would like to play better, sexier soccer than they do. He's talked to me about that. But when you have the roster that you do, when you have the injuries you do. I mean, this game tonight, this open cup game, if you include legit on the bench as he's coming back from an injury, there were eight starters that would be starters missing, you know, and then if you include the two Amani Tomasi, Giovanni James Combo, there's, if he is as an extra guy, then that's nine guys that are starting level players that are missing. So, you know, he's, he's running out all but a second team, honestly. Thankfully he's got, you know, his starting center backs and one wing back and a starting keeper are still around and that's holding the thing together and they're getting results. [00:04:33] Speaker A: All right, well, I'm very curious because I will admit to the cure, I will admit to people listening that I did not watch tonight's game. I'm sitting here looking at the, and I'm looking at a very, wildly, very ranging, different set of stats depending on what site I'm looking at. I'm looking at one that says Tampa Bay had 30 shots. [00:04:54] Speaker B: Yup. [00:04:55] Speaker A: Ten shots on goal and possession was split 5149. Does, does, is that reflective of the actual game? [00:05:05] Speaker B: Yeah, the possession was even Tampa's firing shots from all over the place. You know, they're, they weren't particularly accurate in terms of getting him on net. But Pause had FCD south quoted him as having eight saves, but with the ten shots on target that's probably more like nine or ten, depending on how many blocks might have come in from somebody else, I suppose. But, um, you know, it's one thing. Cal Jennings was pretty active on their part, you know, and they were missing their leading scorer, which might have made, made things differently. He was coming off of a red car in the previous cut game, but Dallas, you know, was typically Dallas. They were typically low blocking. They were typically not really caring that they didn't have the ball. And they scored on their first two shots. So they had two shots and two goals like within in the first like 35 minutes, you know. And so after that they were just kind of passing the ball around when they had it, you know, and weren't really looking to get super creative and hold on and, and as many chances as, as a Tampa had, you know, Martin pause is so on that it's like you never really felt like it was in danger of scoring. Their one goal came on a PK when Dallas, who is has no backups center backs, ended up, you know, with Carl Santa and they're actually as a six, not a center back, and he stepped on a guy's toe and the dude fell over. I mean, you know, technically it's a foul, but maybe it's a little soft and they got a pk. So it's like, it didn't really feel like it was ever in danger. Dallas is playing with basically their, their guys that are all probably USL level guys for the most part since they're. It's all the bottom half of their roster that's playing. So it was a pretty even game other than the volume of shots. And, and we've talked for a long time about this Dallas team now that they're a low volume shot team, but they scored a relatively good clip of percentage wise of those shots and that's exactly like, it looked exactly like every DefC Dallas game we've watched for two and a half years now. [00:06:54] Speaker A: Dan, was what was, what was your reaction to the game or thoughts on. [00:06:58] Speaker C: The game as a pretty standard cup game, really. You know, it's a lot being read into Tampa recording 30 shots, but when you look at quality chances, there were what, maybe maybe six, seven, which matches up to FC Dallas's own number. One thing Dallas does well is keep players out, restrict them to tight angles too distance, frustrate and make them take those easy gathers or those shots that just balloon over. So it's a little bit hard to read into too much. There was a certain clinical edge going forward, which was nice to see. [00:07:45] Speaker A: A. [00:07:46] Speaker C: Couple of nice goals for players who aren't necessarily in first team scoring. You've got Iyara Mindy through 30 minutes ready to get back into MLS play. I think that the big thing is really going to be waiting to see what's happened with Jesus Ferreira. [00:08:04] Speaker A: Why did he get hurt? [00:08:06] Speaker B: He left in the 27th minute and legit had to play the last 63. So good that legit got through that. But for Jesus to have subbed out 27% of the game is terrifying in terms of his availability or rest of the season, perhaps even what's the context. [00:08:21] Speaker A: Of the injury or the reason why it was so. [00:08:23] Speaker C: We don't really know. Yeah, there was. They were showing a replay of the second goal. Ferreira had supplied the pasta enderlay to set up Farrington. And then when it cut away, Jesus was nowhere to be seen. Then legit's getting ready. [00:08:41] Speaker A: Well, I think we can all pretty much at least make an educated guess what that is. [00:08:45] Speaker B: Well, I'm actually assuming it didn't happen on that play because they got legit in like, while the teams were walking back to midfield. Legit subbed in? [00:08:53] Speaker A: No, but I mean, we can speculate. It's probably ended up. It's one of his muscular injuries that. [00:08:58] Speaker B: He'S been fighting against, but it's been a couple of different things this season. You know, they're all connected. We know that. Right. Going back to the last season, you know, so what, which one it is specifically is impossible to say. Coach had a quote, typical coach quote postgame where he said to Garrett Meltzer, he said, oh, we don't really know. It could be a cramp, it could be something else. We'll find out. Well, that's just typical deflecting nonsense. Obviously. If it's just a cramp, you just walk it off a little bit. You know, you don't take a guy out in the 27th minute who's your best player at that point, you know, in this particular game for sure, let alone, like, on the course of the season. So obviously there's a serious concern on Jesus's part if he's making him take him out of the game, you know, so we'll have to wait and see. You know, honestly, there's. It might be better for him in the long term. Just go ahead and shut him down and have the surgery, depending on what it is. You know, it could be. We have no clue. We're just completely guessing at this point. You know, it obviously it puts him in big danger for this weekend, but, you know, I almost don't know whether it would be better just to have it be something big enough to get it all fixed, you know, and shut them down for months, if that's what it, you know, just it takes to get through this thing and what they probably should have done back in October, to be honest. [00:10:08] Speaker A: Yep. [00:10:08] Speaker B: You know, hindsight being 2020, it may. [00:10:12] Speaker C: Also make things a little bit difficult. Even if they wanted to get them in for a scan, because they're actually doing. They're practicing in Tampa tomorrow before they fly back, so they wouldn't even have availability to do anything until, uh. Until Friday. [00:10:26] Speaker A: Yeah. Oh, wow. Okay. So I'm fascinated to learn more about goals by Delgado and Logan Farrington. [00:10:36] Speaker B: Wait, Delgado was pretty, man. They laid right across the box and he blasted that thing from 22 on a dead rope low. Just gorgeous. And fairness was similar. Balling from the right across the top of the box, you know, and Farrington made a nice play, too. They're both really nice sort of team build up goals, you know, again, always rapid transition, you know, not. Not tacking around for like 50 passes or anything. But they were both still nice plays, nice concept plays. [00:11:04] Speaker C: I was. I was really impressed with Delgado because it actually catches him out a step and he has to really lean into it to try and make a connection with the ball. So it's just a really nice technical adjustment to get really good contact, fire it from the edge of the box into the roof, and that's, you know, it's not one that came to him and he could just get laces behind it. So, you know, really encouraging to see that, especially from a midfielder. You haven't seen a ton of goals from the midfield of late. [00:11:32] Speaker B: Brian Acosta puts that 30 rows deep into the stance. [00:11:36] Speaker C: Brian Acosta doesn't shoot that close to goal. [00:11:39] Speaker B: That's fair enough. [00:11:40] Speaker A: If you're a rowdy's fan, what is your. What is probably your reaction to this result? Do you feel like you got robbed or you got lost to a better team or what? [00:11:53] Speaker B: You probably feel like you lost to a better goalie because, you know, if Martin paws isn't Martin. Pause that. They might have had four or five. [00:11:59] Speaker A: Oh, really? [00:12:00] Speaker B: Yeah, I mean, you know, they're. When you have ten shots on target, you know, it's like not every keeper is saving all 8910 of those, you know, whether hammer was actuality, it's still a large volume of shots on goal. Anything over, like four or five subs is a phenomenal stuff. Sorry. Saves is a phenomenal keeper performance. You know, like his career high in the league is eight, which he's done twice, you know, and he did seven. Last thing, I think it was against Houston. So Martin pause is in amazing form, and I'm sure, like, they. They could have scored three times in the first 90 seconds of the game if Martin Paz hadn't been ready and on fire. [00:12:36] Speaker A: Holy cow. [00:12:37] Speaker B: It was like they hit a post. Martin Paws had two saves within the first 90 seconds of the game, so, you know, thank goodness Martin Paz was there. You know, if they'd have had any other keeper in their system, from Jimmy all the way down to doesn't matter who, they would have lost that game. Dallas would have. [00:12:52] Speaker A: Well, that is a fantastic result and unfortunate to hear about Ferreira. And if he's out for a while, that sucks, because I'm. I'm. I'm going to be out in LA, and it would be awful have to watch him in two LA games without Jesus Ferreira. So that would. That would put a damper on the trip for sure. For us, for. For me and for them. No doubt about it. Oh, wow. That would suck. Okay. Anything else about any of the performances in the particular game? I know we're starting with the game that happened today versus the game in Houston, but I'm interested, you know, I didn't see it, so I'm. I'm interested to hear, especially because there were three Dallas originals on Tampa. Aaron Guillen, Mister Eddie Majoma and Cal Jennings all got to play against their club. [00:13:37] Speaker B: Cal Jennings look good. I mean, he still looks like, you know, he's not moose in terms of clinical finishing, but he sure was active. He kept getting behind Nicos Safari all night long, causing him fits. You know, I will go back to the. When. When Dallas drafted him, how much I wanted them to sign him and Lucci didn't. You know, I actually. You know, where they are now. I think Logan Farrington is better coming out of college than Cal Jennings was, but Cal Jennings was pretty good. And three years later, right this minute, Cal Jennings is better, in my opinion, than Logan Farrington. But that doesn't mean that in three years, Logan Farrington won't be just as good or better, but Cal Jennings looks to me like a player that deserves to be at a higher level than USL. [00:14:17] Speaker A: Why is that? Why is he playing at the champions? Why isn't he on an MLS team? [00:14:21] Speaker B: Well, he was with LAFC. He worked his way up to them and played a few games with them before they. I don't know whether they let him go or his contract ran out or. Or he just told them, hey, I'd like to start somewhere because he's the second leading scorer for Tampa. They're, they're number nine. Their leading scorer was suspended for this game cause he had a red card in the last open cup game. I mean, if that dude would have been around, Tampa might've won this game also because he, they has eight goals on the season and Cal Zing's at seven. So if they'd had a two headed monster, it might have been really bad. You know, they're a very, very offensive team. They have a plus ten goal differential and they average three goals a game. So for Dallas to keep them to one on a pk is actually a pretty strong defensive performance. Again, Martin Paws, you know, I think Jennings will bounce back to the league. I think with LAFC, he was going to get squeezed out by all the superstars they have. He was never going to break through there. So I would imagine it was a confluence of him saying, you know, I got to break through somewhere else. The only if I can move on to any, any other good performance by Dallas, I was particularly pleased to see Sebastian Leggette get through 60 minutes, you know, or more, and look really good, so that, that if he's unscathed, that'll be really good for him to be able to play because basically Jesus will be out, so they're going to need him back. And that was really it. In terms of standout performances, I thought. [00:15:36] Speaker A: Farrington and Kamungo obviously were probably tasked more defect asked to do more defensive work than show off any offensive ability. [00:15:45] Speaker B: It's about the same as all. I don't know about what Dan thought, but I thought Logan fairing was pretty good. Bernie still looks like Bernie, you know, where he's a piece of. A bit confused about 70% of the time, and then he has like, a really good moment or two, and that's why you keep playing him for the moment or two. So, Dan, what did you think? I thought Farrington was good. [00:16:00] Speaker C: Yeah, Farrington was solid. I mean, it was a, you know, typical Logan Farrington performance on Bernie's part, like you say, had those little moments, right? He had those little breakout runs, but then he kind of slow up a little, let the defender catch up to him and it turned to nothing. [00:16:16] Speaker A: Hmm. [00:16:17] Speaker B: Yeah, I don't know why he does that. I think, you know, that's part of what I think he's out of sorts. Like he's. Because he's making runs from a different position rather than the wide position. He's on the underneath position. I think he doesn't, he's getting a little confused, doesn't instinctually know what to do when he gets there. So I'm hoping that'll get better with time. [00:16:35] Speaker A: So that means Dallas now, the draw has taken place since just before we started recording and now they have to go to KC and we'll fall in line with a, where they'll end up playing Casey. They'll essentially go up there. [00:16:49] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:16:50] Speaker A: Stay and just play them twice in three days or four days. [00:16:53] Speaker B: Yeah. It's hysterical. In the league. They're at Kansas City on July 7 and then they're at Kansas City for the cup on July 9 or 10th. So I'm sure they'll just go up there and stay. [00:17:05] Speaker A: Don't they have a July 4 game as well this year? [00:17:08] Speaker B: They, they do, but it's right before that at home, you know, against Portland, so. And then they have a game against LA back at home on the 13th. So they're going to have a pretty tight early July window with these games, you know. But as soon as I saw the bull had sporting Kansas City and Dallas in it. That's my dog. I was like, oh, Dallas will be drawn out Sporting Kansas City. That's just how it's gonna work. [00:17:31] Speaker A: Wow, buddy. Did you name the dog buddy? [00:17:36] Speaker B: No, no, that was just sometimes we call it say buddy, like, hey, buddy. [00:17:40] Speaker C: We'Ve got to get to that later. [00:17:42] Speaker B: Yeah, that's later. The dog naming. [00:17:44] Speaker A: Yeah, we'll talk about the name here in a little bit. [00:17:46] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:17:48] Speaker A: All right. Well, interesting. So, all right, well, that means they play Kansas City. Who did Kansas City beat to get to the next round? [00:17:57] Speaker C: It's Tulsa. [00:17:59] Speaker B: Yeah. And if they, and if Dallas wins, they will advance to play the winner of Atlanta United and Indy eleven, which. [00:18:05] Speaker C: Is a us, and they'll host it. [00:18:07] Speaker B: Oh, there you go. [00:18:08] Speaker A: Hmm. [00:18:09] Speaker B: Get a home game. [00:18:10] Speaker A: Well, very good. Well, then that takes us back to the game over the weekend down in Houston where again, team bailing wire and Bondo's duct tape. [00:18:23] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:18:24] Speaker A: Ground out a one one result, which again, by considering all, I mean, taking all things into consideration is probably a perfectly good result, considering everything. And again, Dallas is kind of an. [00:18:41] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:18:42] Speaker A: If you told me we were going to, the team was going to go for, you know, essentially three, one and one with open cup games in the month of May, I'd like, you know, it's not a bad. That doesn't sound too bad. [00:18:51] Speaker B: Yeah. And that one's like a win when you go to your rival and you win, you tie on in their home place and you play pretty decently. I mean, Nico called the first 30 minutes the best they played on the road all year. In particular, if you look at the, what Dallas rolled out there with Noel Norris, Norris played really well and Delgado and they were going up against Hector Herrera, Coco Karaski and Artur. That is a phenomenal midfield the Houston has, and they put up 220 year old and 19 year old against that and they held their own. I thought it was fantastic. [00:19:18] Speaker A: You know, I wanted to comment about that because I saw people, because you had mentioned Nolan specifically in your instant reaction video and people were giving you some guff about just a couple praising Nolan. Well, I saw it in other places, too, and I was like, what game are you guys watching the kids, 18 years old, playing against, you know, top level CONCACAF midfielders? And yes, he wore down as the game went on, but he passed it like a 90 plus percent rate for the game. And I thought he was outstanding in that game and I don't know what people were expecting or what he did wrong to get a, to get a bad review. [00:19:56] Speaker B: Well, he wasn't, you know, messy. So, I mean, again, when you go in against guys that are that good and that experience with that level of international cred and he's out there at 19 years old doing what he's doing, as you mentioned, 90% passing. And of the timid Delgado, Nolan was the progressive one that was getting toward like an eight. He had two progressive passes, which is third on Dallas. Now granted, Dallas is not an office offensive team, but he had a key pass, which was the second best on the team. He had three passes in the final third. That's the second best on the team. He only committed one foul, right? He had three clears a block and intercept two recoveries, right? He was fantastic. And for example, like his passing, he only had one of his passes get blocked or cut out, and he only had one missed control. He didn't get turned over, didn't get dispossessed. The only thing he did bad was get a yellow card. And if you include North Texas, he has six yellow cards in seven games. So that's something he has to fix. But other than that, like for a 19 year old kid going up against Hector freaking Herrera and Coco Karaskiya, that is a phenomenal game by him. It doesn't look like a superstar because he's 19. It's, it was a fantastic game by him. And I also want to say that, by the way, before I forget it, Sam Junka was phenomenal in that game, too. That was an amazing performance by Sam Junko out of the back. [00:21:08] Speaker A: I just would encourage people to go back and watch the game against Houston because I, Nolan was doing something Delgado wasn't. And I'm assuming this is an indication that Nolan is actually performing the task of a double pivot correctly, at least within Nico's system, where he was tracking back and forth between marks as Houston had the ball either in their half of the field or in Dallas's half of the field, he would, depending on where the ball of play would go, he would switch his man, Mark, and Delgado was just typically in some sort of weird lost space. Nolan looked like he actually knew what he was doing out there. I don't know if you noticed that, too, buzz, but I don't know. I was just really impressed by the kid. [00:21:49] Speaker B: I didn't spot that specifically, but, yeah, I totally agree that he was a phenomenal performance, you know, considering the context, and context always matters. You know, he didn't outplay Hector Carrera. No, but he held his own against guys that are played in world Cups. You know, it's just ridiculous to be talking about, like, he wasn't. I was like, oh, my God, dude. Yeah, he was fantastic. I couldn't believe he didn't play again in this next game against Tampa. [00:22:12] Speaker A: Well, I was surprised he didn't get the start today, too, because I really thought he was quite solid and. And it. And again, because this club has been one that I think we all grew to really enjoy, the fact that we got to see its own product get in the senior team, and we hadn't seen that a lot lately. It was nice to see that again for the first time. So it was. Is your dog choking? [00:22:34] Speaker B: Well, unfortunately, he came to us from the kennel with some kennel cough, so he's trying to get through that, you know, it happens, you know, so he's. Why. Hold on a second. Trying to get. See if I get my wife. Because he's in here, right underneath my. [00:22:48] Speaker A: Desk, coughing because he loves his daddy. [00:22:51] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:22:52] Speaker A: Poor little dude. [00:22:53] Speaker B: He wants to be around the people. So, like, when my wife goes to bed, he comes in here and hangs out with me. So. [00:22:57] Speaker A: More dog back there, you know? [00:22:59] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:22:59] Speaker A: Well, okay, so more on the Houston game. Anything? I don't know. It's a good result. Again. I don't know. Here's the problem. Every time we come to record this thing, I don't know what to do with it because I feel like we're just saying the same thing. Over and over and over and I don't know how to make this any more interesting. [00:23:18] Speaker B: It's going to be that kind of season because the Houston game I made match was also Martin's paws. He had seven saves that night and he was again, fantastic, you know, and, yeah, I haven't dug into the things like, you know, the, the clubs, the opposition, xg to goal. Like, you know, is he, is he just making saves that he's supposed to make? Because it sure doesn't feel like it. It feels like he's making saves that he's not supposed to make. He's keeping goals out, but, you know, he's just really good. And he had a comment about that game, about how great he felt against that game and, and how great he feels against an open cup. So he's in the form of his career probably, you know, and he's enjoying the ride of the indonesian fans all going crazy over him. And it's got to be a fun time for him, you know. So I don't know what else to say about the Houston game because the Houston game and the champion game look a whole lot alike, except that Dallas was able to take apart the Tampa defense a little more than they were the Houston defense because Houston's got a really good defense like Dallas does. [00:24:12] Speaker A: Yeah, but how sustainable is this? Because I. I feel like the three of us at some point, probably multiple times over the years that we've been doing this, have said it's okay if every once in a while the man of the match for your team is your goalkeeper, but when the man of the match is for your team is the goalkeeper week in and week out, that's a problem. [00:24:34] Speaker B: Yeah. You're not going to win MLS cup playing this way, you know, but you could probably squeak into the playoffs if you keep doing it because, you know, you're. You're right that you're not going to win every game like this. You're not even going to draw every game like this, but you're going to be in every game. Right. You're going to be able to compete with people. We're going to find out over the next stretch because the next stretch is pretty damn difficult. [00:24:56] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:24:57] Speaker B: So, like, you know, let's not get too far ahead of us, but like, you're looking at, you know, at LAFC, at Minnesota, at La RSL, at home, you know, at St. Louis. And this is. That's a tough stretch. So we're gonna find out. [00:25:11] Speaker A: Yeah. In the next three games they play the first place team the fourth place team and the fifth place team. [00:25:16] Speaker B: Yeah. And you might be doing it without Jesus. [00:25:19] Speaker A: And they're all teams that have essentially twice as many points as you do. [00:25:23] Speaker B: Yeah. Yeah. It's gonna be a long season, you know, they're not gonna win a lot of games to be, I don't think. Because, you know. Go ahead, Dan. [00:25:32] Speaker C: I was gonna say, you know, you mentioned, know, goalkeeper in man merchant. Not winning games, but kind of just hanging in there. It kind of plays into the whole season strategy. Right. You know, when you brought up putting Alan Velasco on the IR, because realistically, when he does eventually come back towards the end of the season, he is not going to be Alan Velasco. He is going to be a shell of Alan Velasco. [00:25:58] Speaker A: Alan can be said that. [00:26:01] Speaker C: Yeah, that too. Same about Giovanni. Jesus. Well, you know, that's it, right. It's. It's. Hang in there, get these guys back and hope that they're not the typical. Just come back from ACL, that they are semi functioning footballers. Yeah. I mean, it's not strategy that's going to win you an MLS cup, is it? Like you say. [00:26:26] Speaker A: No, it just. It's a weird balance. I want to be. I want to celebrate the victory and stuff, but none of it all feels very convincing. And maybe that's just a byproduct of me and buzz you the same that have been watching this team for so long. We're just ready for something better, right? Something more. And this just feels like another one of the many seasons in the history of the burn. [00:26:49] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. Look, everybody wants to watch sexy football more than they want to watch boring, grinded out football. But, you know, that's not what we're gonna get a season of. I mean, it would be a whole lot more fun, you know? I mean, I would enjoy more, you know, even just playing more young, fun kids. You know, you're not gonna win MLS cup anyway. You might as well play some of these young dudes and find out if they can play or not. I mean, you don't want to destroy their personalities or whatever, but. [00:27:12] Speaker A: No, but you gotta coach who's trying to save his job. Is that the problem? [00:27:16] Speaker B: I mean, he should have more reassurement from the ownership than that, but at the same time, like, you know. Like what, watching Omar play more? What good is that going to do us? You know, it's like, you might as well play Carl Santa at center back because at least that's a guy you're looking at for the future, you know, rather than putting him in as a six where I never thought he was good enough as a six to play an MLS, and yet they signed him to be a center back and they keep playing him as a six. Well, which was it? [00:27:39] Speaker C: Play. [00:27:39] Speaker B: No one is a six. [00:27:41] Speaker A: See, here's the, here's the thing that I'm really struggling with because as I watch this, I keep trying to, I keep trying to look for diamonds in the rough or silver linings or really, you know, stories about young players that I want to feel really good about. And Tafari is having an okay season in sibling. I just, I don't get Kamungo, like you said, looks lost. Delgado hit a really nice one today, obviously, but I've not been impressed by him. By and large. Emmas. Yeah. To Amasi, I'm sorry. I love him. I really want him to be the player that we all want him to be, but I just don't get it. And Endelay is a young guy that I don't, you know, you see, I just feel like I could go through all this. I just don't feel like there's anything that I to really grasp onto and go, wow, there's, there's a thread of something here that is going to continue to build and make you feel like there's. It's going to get better. [00:28:41] Speaker C: I think you're, you feel good stories almost, you know, Herb season having that mini breakout and Logan Farrington, neither of those are starters. Who was the first one, you said Herbert Enderley. [00:28:54] Speaker A: Do you feel like he's having a good. He's playing well. [00:28:57] Speaker C: He was amazing in preseason. He kind of got shafted after the first game. I thought he was, you know, every time he's come in for Tomasi, he's looked solid. He had the, he had an assist tonight. Looked great all game. [00:29:11] Speaker A: Okay. [00:29:12] Speaker B: Yeah. The problem with Indelay is that against a really quick winger, because he's not naturally a defender, he gets caught and gets, the guy gets a step on him and that's enough. And he's around him, whereas Tuomasis, they're both two of the fastest players on the team. Tuomasi is more familiar and more defensively minded, which is amazing. And he does a much better job of shutting everybody down in terms of getting to the end and getting crosses in. So, you know, Inele is more aggressive and more opportunistic going forward, more instinctually going forward because he was a midfielder in college, but so was Ima in it, but it hasn't been coached out of him yet. So it's, you know, there's some potential there in LA, but, you know, it's almost a moot point. Like if you're going to be going back to Giovanni Jesus in another month or so, you know, I'm with you, Peter. I just don't feel like this season is accomplishing anything. I don't think anything's being done for the future. It's just a get through the season, season rather than like, what are we doing? Are we, is the team trying to build around some core? Are they trying to go forward? It's like all the core is either really old or really injured and so it's hard to get excited about it. Are they building with the future with some of these young guys not doing that either. It's just, they're just treading water and holding on for dear life and it makes it crap to watch and makes it hard to get excited about what might be next, which stinks. But, you know, as you say, Peter, the coach is fighting for his job. [00:30:27] Speaker C: So, you know, it's almost like this is like a discussion we had a couple of years ago when it was, you know, Lucci coming into that and you're like, okay, year three of a cycle, what's happening? There's not really a lot of forward progression. It feels like there's a need for a rebuild at this point, there shouldn't be a need for a rebuild. Yeah, we are. Three years later, same conversation. [00:30:48] Speaker A: It is frustrating and actually, this kind of leads me into another conversation, buzz, because I had a, I thought there was a really interesting back and forth in your discord. And this is where I take a sponsorship moment to remind everybody listening to this pod. If you're not a member of Buzz's Patreon, you should pay him money so that you can participate in the discord, which is a fantastic place to talk about this stuff. But there was a back and forth over your frustration that Petter Moussa wasn't on the field with the team for this game. And the reason why we were told is that his wife gave birth to a baby, their first child, I guess, on Monday. [00:31:30] Speaker B: Yep. [00:31:31] Speaker A: I think you. I have no opinion about this. I'm not a parent, so I don't, I don't feel like I'm the right person to ask this question to. But you had a pretty hard, a pretty strong opinion about this. [00:31:40] Speaker B: Yeah, I'm not a parent either. But, um, the thing is, is that I work in a very competitive business, one in which you have to make sacrifices to get ahead. You know, when. When a certain jobs open, like for example, if you want to produce an NBA broadcast, there are only 30 of those jobs in America. So you do things like I did, like skip your honeymoon. So people are some people expected or thought that he would not be there. And I'm like, well, the baby's been born. He was there for that. So now it's a day or two later. Why are you not at the game? And people that have had kids, of course, all said, you know, oh, you know, it's okay, you can stay with the kids or whatever, man. They paid $10 million for that guy. He's getting paid $2.3 million and he wasn't there for the game. You got a coach that's in danger of losing his job. You got all your teammates you're letting down. Might not be in there. Now, granted, maybe it's a cup game and maybe it's against a USL team and you don't want to feel like, deal, we don't need them. But I'm like, I don't know, man. I just like, there's a worlds that exist, jobs that exist and careers that exist where sacrifices aren't made. I work holidays all the time. Professional athletes work holidays all the time. Family takes a backseat when you have jobs and careers like this. The baby wasn't due on the day of the game. The baby had arrived and the baby is fine and healthy now, I'm sure. Yes, there could be. I'm going to get blasted for this, and maybe there's going to be some extenuating circumstances that I know nothing about, but if everything is fine, I think as a professional athlete getting paid millions and millions of dollars, you should be there to play once the kids already arrived. That's just my take, and I'm probably going to get a lot of people yelling at me, but, you know, my life and an ATh is more similar in terms of the job pressure and career choices that you make and the sacrifices we make to get ahead in super competitive businesses. This is what par for the course to me, that you would do sacrifices like this. [00:33:43] Speaker A: Well, I'm not a parent, so I probably tend to lean more towards your side of this because I don't have that experience of childbirth or anything like that. The only thing I would throw in there is they've played the. They've played this guy, they've run him hard since the minute he got here, so he probably had earned a game off and the timing of it probably just made sense. In that. But again, I'm not a parent, so I don't think I have the right to make. Make too much of a judgment call on this, so. And I guess ultimately it worked out as they won the game. So how about that? [00:34:17] Speaker B: You hear all the time about people that have certain kinds of careers that talk about all the missed graduations, the missed birthdays, the missed this, that. The other thing, the weddings, is like, you know, if you have jobs like this, that's. It's par for the course. You know, it's like, he didn't miss the birth. He was there. So why weren't you ready to play? That's my. [00:34:36] Speaker C: I mean, here's the thing. Like, that's a very common thing in soccer, right? If. If a kid's been born, there's a couple of days, there's that disruption. I mean, the kid was born yesterday. He was expected to get on a plane this morning. [00:34:50] Speaker A: Was it born on Monday? [00:34:52] Speaker C: It was yesterday. [00:34:53] Speaker A: Oh, I thought the baby was born on Monday. [00:34:56] Speaker B: Well, I don't. I don't know the answer to that. I just felt like, you know, that. [00:35:00] Speaker A: Yeah, I get it. Baby's here. You've seen it. It's sleeping. It's not going to know any different, right? [00:35:07] Speaker C: You say, you know, that's a parents decision. Leave that to them. But as you mentioned, Peter, he's been here for, what, 13 games? He's missed exactly 30 minutes of that up to today. They've really rode him hard. He also didn't have a preseason. He came straight from Portugal, where he was playing pretty regularly since September or, sorry, since August. So, I mean, give the guy a break. He needs it. Otherwise, you're going to have another Jesus Ferreira, a player breaking down in a very critical position, paying a lot of. [00:35:37] Speaker B: Money to, you know, that's a discussion I can buy that. I can buy. If it's just the kid, I'm like, dude, be there. But, you know. [00:35:46] Speaker A: I love buzz. Yeah, no, I. Look, Buzz, I get it. I'm. I'm a gen xer, too, man. I. It's just our wired, especially for those of us that don't have kids. I get it, but I don't think it works that. I don't think the world works that way anymore, Buzz. I'm sorry to tell you that. [00:36:05] Speaker B: Yeah, well, you know, there are still a lot of, uh, you know, businesses and companies where men don't get maternity leave and they have to take vacation days if they want to be there for the birth. But then there are other companies that have, you know, built in fraternity leave for fathers as well as mothers. So it just depends on the company and just generally speaking, professional sports where you're getting paid just absolute boatloads of money and the million dollar franchises are on the line and billions of dollars of profit are on the line. They don't take too kindly to that kind of crap. And so I'm not, you know, you make sacrifices. Like ask any NBA player how often they get to spend Christmas with their family, the answer is pretty much zero. So, you know, it's, these are the kinds of things that you have to sacrifice to get to this level. [00:36:45] Speaker C: You're talking about players playing on Christmas Day. They know that game is going to be on Christmas Day. It's on Christmas day every year. The birth, you know, being that was. [00:36:53] Speaker B: A non specific example. It's just the, the level of sacrifice required to play professional sports. [00:36:58] Speaker C: Okay, but, but athletes, particularly in soccer, do, do take days off for that stuff. It is a thing, you know, they need to have that regular schedule. That is a, that is a couple of days where they are completely out that schedule. They are completely useless. You know, the other point about not getting paternity leave, that's a social issue in the United States. You know, not a whole lot you can really do about that. Maybe, you know, I'm under the impression. [00:37:25] Speaker A: Everybody gets paternity leave because everybody I know that said babies in the last ten years all got to take time off with their wives after their baby got born. [00:37:33] Speaker C: I think that's more just a wild standard speaker one. [00:37:36] Speaker A: Well, no, I'm just, I know, but I'm talking about this country that I grew up in where historically that was not the case, but has seemingly changed. It is, is now the standard here in this country. But maybe I'm wrong. [00:37:46] Speaker B: Yeah, maybe I could be wrong too. I don't have a full time job either. [00:37:49] Speaker C: Because if you think about, most countries will say, you know, there's x amount of maternity and paternity and that's something that's just, you know, on the government level, baked in and some states will have that for maternity. But paternity is typically, you know, company by company makes that decision. [00:38:08] Speaker A: Well, they hopefully, hopefully things are okay because they're going to need Mister Musa for the next two weeks or so, assuming that ASus isn't available, which does beg the question, Buzz, if Jesus is out for an extended period of time, who's going to step into that role? Does that mean moose is up top and then now legit's going to play one of the tens? [00:38:33] Speaker B: Yeah, legit would be the answer. You know, it just means, well, legit was going to be likely have been the other ten, you know, with Jesus. But now that Jesus is. If Jesus is D is going to be out. Areola just came back, we think within the last day or two. So Areola's in that mix, Bernie's in that mix. It'll be fluid. It depends on who's healthy. You know, they're going to have to tape this thing together over the back half of the season. You know, it can be Ansa, it can be Seiki. You know, there's five or six names that could be in the mix there. [00:39:04] Speaker A: About Farrington, by the way. Is he showing off any ability to play a position other than nine? Is he. Is he effective at all in this kind of withdrawn ten role? [00:39:16] Speaker B: He tends to come wide and play it more like a regular wing, you know, which Bernie kind of does, too. I've talked to coach about that a little. When they. When they have somebody in one of those ten roles that's not really capable of doing it, they. They let them slide wider and they. They'll have the wing back become like a. What jokingly, we would call a false wingback, which they slide underneath a little bit and let the striker go wide. You sort of react to what's happening in front of you and watch it as you build forward. It's not too bad of an adaptation as long as there's a recognition and you cover it, but, um, you know, fair, just done decently. Like, his goal tonight was coming from more of that underneath sort of angle. I mean, he was out there as the nine, but when he actually scored, he came from that Jesus style slosh through the gap, you know, from the top of the box. So he's got a little bit of that. But, you know, obviously his. His style is more prototypical of the actual nine, but, you know, almost any of those guys up front can fill multiple roles if they need to. [00:40:13] Speaker C: And with him, you think, like when he was in college and he played a lot wide forward, he, you know, he kind of played wide left and right. So he's pretty comfortable, you know, getting out in those positions, which if you say there's going to be that wing, wing back underlap, that's. Plays them pretty nicely and gives you a good crossing position, at least. [00:40:31] Speaker A: Well, I guess if you're feeling pretty good about stuff, hold on to your pants, because number one, Salt Lake comes to town this weekend. Not only do they have the second least amount of goals allowed. They are the top scoring team in the Western Conference with 27 goals. They look very solid and very good and come in here on a good streak there. Three, one and one and away games. So as kind of glued together with the old bubble gum as Dallas is, that is going to be quite the test, but we thought the same thing going to Tampa, so we'll see what happens out of that. [00:41:10] Speaker B: Yeah, Dallas obviously, like, with the short notice now, we're probably going to guess that Jesus is not going to be able to play because if you're going to stop out that early, you know, that's not a good sign at all. Ariel will. Ariola will have come back sometime during, you know, maybe yesterday, maybe tomorrow. He'll be back in training, but that also means he's not likely to be able to start. Frazier should still be out. Yar Mindy came in tonight and played a little bit. Probably not enough where you would turn around and start him this weekend because he only played like 30 on a midweek. That would be tough. As far as we know, corch is still out. Jesus is out. Pox public is out. Velasco is out. Tua mossi having missed this game and not even traveled, that. I mean, she's probably not going to be available, I would guess, also. So Musa, I mean, is he allowed to come back yet? I don't. I don't know. Maybe he'll be out a couple of weeks with full paternity leave. I'm not sure. Whatever. I mean, I would assume he'd be back the next day, but I clearly didn't know what I was talking about. So, um, you know, it'll be just. [00:42:08] Speaker C: Be a couple of days, right? [00:42:11] Speaker B: I would have thought one would've been enough, but apparently not. So maybe a week is normal. I don't know. Somebody said a couple of weeks would be normal, so I don't know what to tell you. [00:42:20] Speaker A: Most paternity leave for guys is multiple weeks. It's not just it made. It's like. So I don't know how it works in the league. I don't know if the league has paternity leave laws or the hunts do. I doubt they do. I would anticipate he'd be back for the Salt Lake game. [00:42:35] Speaker C: Yeah, he will be. I mean, you're talking about, like, a non essential away trip compared to getting back in training and playing a home game. They're completely different situations. [00:42:47] Speaker B: Well, coach said they were all in on the cup and that it mattered more than the league. So I don't, you know, who knows? So I would have thought he'd been back for this one. He wasn't. So I don't know. He'll be back for this weekend or not. So if he's back, great. If he isn't, Farrington plays again, Jesus will be out. So that'll be legit, I would assume. You keep writing Kamungo. He looked pretty good. Farfan, junko, Tafari, Ibiaga is a no brainer. And if Tomas is out and is a no brainer at this point, you still don't have any mids. I mean, he's not playing enough to be able to go, so it's got to be Delgado and either Norris or Seiki. Segi didn't kill him in this game, but, you know, he's such a liability to me. So maybe Norris goes again on Saturday, you know, so those are the questions. Is Musa back? And is who's the other midfielder next to Delgado? I guess those are the real question marks. Or does Eugene onset get in there for Kamungo, perhaps? Or does seek you play high for Comungo? You know, I think. I think you can start legit, but that'd be for Jesus, probably. Now, if Jesus is fine, then it's legit and Jesus, that's easy, you know, no matter who's the nine. [00:43:52] Speaker A: Yeah, it'll be interesting to see how long it takes for them to tell us something about the status of Jesus. Although history tells us we may never know. We may have to find it out from some alternative sources before we get anything official from the club. [00:44:06] Speaker B: Yeah, the coach had a quote tonight about, you know, it could be a cramp. Okay, whatever. There's a press conference tomorrow. That's our usual pre game press conference on Thursday, so I'm sure somebody will probably lead with that question about Jesus, and he'll probably say nothing again. Okay, so we won't know until it's always seen actual injury report or so we actually see, like, a news release that Jesus is going to have or had surgery or something. Then. Then we'll find out what really is going on. Because between now and then, we won't learn squat just because that's the way this current coaching staff works. [00:44:37] Speaker A: Oh, I know. What? I've been meaning to ask about the game tonight since I didn't get to see it. When I learned, I was a bit surprised that Dallas was going to wear their navy blue kits with the red accent on it against Tampa Bay's outstanding green and yellow. And I, in my head. I have a feeling that that looked really great on the field. [00:44:56] Speaker B: It did. It did. Unless your colorblind and then you looked it from the rear and then it didn't look good. But other than that it looked great. [00:45:02] Speaker A: What do you mean? Oh, the best. It's all red. [00:45:05] Speaker B: So if you're red green colorblind, it looked like the same team's playing, but green, blue looked really great. Yeah, it was a, you know, Tampa's uniform is, this is the one they cycle through every once in a while, which has the, the yellow sleeve stripes and the solid green up the middle. Not instead of the full hoops that they usually wear, but terrific contrast. Yeah. Look really good. [00:45:25] Speaker A: And they got that cool stadium by the bay. [00:45:28] Speaker B: Yeah, I want to go there now. We'll try to figure that out. Looks like a cool venue. [00:45:33] Speaker A: Well, so Salt Lake is Saturday, but then check out this run, boys and girls. It's the back to back games in LA. And if anybody's going, holler at me because I will be there at the galaxy on Wednesday night and then LAFC on Saturday night. And then, you know, a week later it's the game. They got to travel to Minnesota. So it's going to be a rough and tumble for the next two weeks or so for this team. [00:45:59] Speaker B: So they get St. Louis at home ourselves. A tough one, man. That is a really, really good team. You know, I don't know that that's going to be, it's where it's a home game and you almost feel like it's going to be a road game because they're going to probably have to bunker big time. [00:46:15] Speaker A: Yeah, it's salt Lake to me is an interesting case study for MLS because we, they're not one of the perennial big dogs in the league with a great start. They're kind of one of those up and down teams like Dallas. And we've seen a lot of clubs come out of the blocks hot at the first half of the season and fall off late. It'll be interesting to see what Salt Lake's fate is over the course of the season, if they're really legit, if there's just one of those deals where it tends to wane after, after summer. But Saturday will be a good test for them, and I mean, for Dallas in particular because Salt Lake has been playing. [00:46:50] Speaker B: Boy. Yeah. [00:46:52] Speaker A: Okay. Anything else about the team that you want to talk about before I get into the stuff that I really want to talk about? [00:46:58] Speaker B: Well, I want to talk about replacing Pam McCall this summer because I was thinking about this and I think there's two ways to go about the thing because you, Paxton's under contract for next year and he has a contract just short of a million dollars. You know, he's a good player. They probably don't want to keep him, you know, so there's two things you can do here, two philosophies in my mind, because they're, because polyorial is not a DP, that means you're spending, you know, like a million dollars in game to buy him down. So they probably don't have a ton of free space right now, in fact. So you can either take two tacks, I think you can either buy out Pamico and totally remove his salary from the board or you can assume you want to keep it for next year. If you want to keep it from next year, it probably is going to be hard to add like a just short of a million dollar player to replace him legitimately. The question is why would you bother to do that? Like this season is not going to be good enough. So what's the point when, you know, you're going to have to have him back on that salary and be a good player? So to me that screams like, I just need to replace him with somebody that's a decent player to sort of get through the season. And I started thinking about that over the last couple of games when we're watching this team sort of just have to fight and grind even just to sort of stay in games. And then I watched North Texas play and they're really good and Diego Garcia for them is just phenomenally good, just like a whole level above the game. And so when I was watching them play, I was like, man, just sign that guy. Just let that be your packs and replacement because you want to sign him eventually anyway. He's not going to cost you a million dollars. He's only going to cost you like a low, like coming up from North Texas kind of salary, right? He's a pretty good player. He's better than Delgado, in my opinion, already. So you can put him in stardom in games and you don't have to worry about the fact that you got to pay. If you, if you replace Paxton with a player that costs a million dollars, then you have these two players next year on a million dollars and you don't want to do with both of them. So if you're not going to be ruthless and just buy out Paxton and get rid of them, then I think he's just signed Diego Garcia as his replacement for the rest of the season. So that's the point I wanted to make about Pomica. [00:49:09] Speaker A: I think that's a really good point, but it totally bums me out. [00:49:12] Speaker B: Well, it does because, you know, like, what's the point of, like, going out and spending a bunch of money and trying to make a run at something this season, right? You don't have the team for it, right? Especially, like, what if Pesu, what if Asus is out now, right, for long term, you know, I mean, that's right. I mean, you know, I just, I just don't see any value in throwing down a million dollars just on a guy that can fill packs and shoes for the season when you could sign a guy for a half season up from north Texas, salary of 100 grand, who's going to be a great player for you in a few years anyway, and you want to sign this winner anyway, just go ahead and do that. And that's your body and his, and you can play him. I think he's a better player than Delgado and might even be as good. He's a different kind of player than Farrington, but not far. Excuse me, Fraser, but he's pretty damn good. You know, he's, he's a dynamic, fascinating player that raises the game and controls the game. And I can't wait to see him at the endless level and see how he does. So you might as well get on with it, in my opinion. So that's what I wanted to bring up about Paxton. [00:50:12] Speaker A: You know, sometimes I feel like talking about this season. This is a really weird analogy, but it's, the one that comes to my head is like picking at a scab on your knee that you've skinned really badly. It's like, it's like it's starting to heal over, and then suddenly you pick at it and now it's all a mess again. And I just, that's what this season feels like to me, is that every time it, there's a reason to kind of go, hey, you know, all right, well, that's not a bad thing. That's not a terrible result. And you're like, yeah, well, then there's this to start thinking about, and then you just starts getting all graded. [00:50:45] Speaker B: And I'll also point out the difference between putting a season ending IR on Velasco and putting a season ending IR on Paxton. Because Velasco was a young DP, his salary cap hit is only half of a DP. It's like 200, 5300 thousand dollars or whatever. So if you'd have gotten a note, you could have put him on the IR, opened a DP spot, which would have cost you nothing but a full salary slot. Or if you got a young guy, a young guy salary slot, whereas Paxton is a tam buy down, so you put him on seasoning. Any IR you get out of his contract slot to replace him with another player, that's close to a million dollars. You then have to also buy them down to get them under the cap. So now you're talking about like 1.5. So you see the complication of like, oh, we're going to replace Paxton. I mean, are you really? No, I, well, that's the thing. [00:51:33] Speaker A: I had zero anticipation they were going to replace him this season anyway. [00:51:38] Speaker B: Well, they said they're going to replace him, but, you know, I'm just, I'm just contending that, like, don't bother to go get like a free agent like, this summer, like a big, I mean, unless that's your long term plan. Now, if that's your long term plan and PAcSam is going to be toast anyway, that's a totally different conversation. I'm just saying, like, if you think PAX is going to be one of your guys going forward, then don't bother getting like a big, huge replacement. Just bring up Diego gres. [00:51:58] Speaker A: Yeah, I just always assume that when they said they were going to replace him, they were going to bring up somebody from within the club or go get one of these no names, you know, little dudes from South America we've never heard of before. [00:52:10] Speaker B: Yeah. If you want to get it, if you want to get, use your third U 22 initiative slot or get a short term loan on somebody or anything like that would be okay as well. I just, like, if you're going to do that, you might as well just do it with your own guy. [00:52:22] Speaker A: Right? [00:52:22] Speaker B: Right. Don't. Why bother? Go get a dude you have no idea about from whatever when you've got Diego Garcia sitting there. Phenomenal player. [00:52:29] Speaker A: You know, Dan, I think the lesson out of this is don't pick it. Scabs. [00:52:33] Speaker C: Sure. I'm not a doctor, but don't pick at scabs. [00:52:37] Speaker A: Okay, now we're going to move on to the topic that I've waited all week to talk about, which is the official ceremony of the reveal of Buzz and Amy's new dog as voted on by Buzz's Patreon members and discord poll voters in the special little channel that we built or somebody built for us after last week's pause pod name, Buzz's dog. So many excellent submissions had been given, such as El Pero and FC Dallas Furious. Doggy McDogface, Scooby doom. Carlos Gralezo is a pretty good one. Ranger was a nice one. I liked that. Hunter was a good one. Carlos Rafiz. Anna bar challah. Yeah, I like that. But we welded it. We whittled it down. [00:53:36] Speaker B: Buzz. [00:53:36] Speaker A: We took all of the votes, all of the submissions, and put it into a poll made up of, I think it was six options. Seven options, seven options. Well, actually six. I selfishly threw in my own because I'm just that kind of guy. And up for voting, of the finalists were Oscar pa rasa. That's good. Third dog, gris. I like that. Islamico. I mean, who doesn't think islamic? Oh, wouldn't be a great name for your dog. Deuce made it in there as a. As a tribute to, you know, obviously, Clint and then martin paws. Get it? And then the one really kind of obvious one based on recency bias, dude. [00:54:25] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:54:26] Speaker A: And then I threw in Teddy. I suggested that one, and I. And I threw in TeDx is the 7th one coming in at number three. Third place in voting. I'm sorry. Second place in voting was dude. Buzz. Dude came in and got the second most voice on 27%. But, ladies and gentlemen, I am just warm hearted and I think, deservingly, based on this player's performance of this season, happy to announce that Buzz and Amy's new dog name is. Drumroll. If we had the sound effect. Martine paws. Congratulations, Buzz and Amy on young little martine paws in your life. [00:55:12] Speaker B: Yeah. Fitting for the shirt, right? [00:55:14] Speaker A: That's right. What are you going to call him? You going to call him Martine or pause he or. What's going to be the nickname? [00:55:21] Speaker B: Well, I'll tell you funny enough, the shelter that he's from was on Martin street, so it kind of made sense that he's going to have that name. I don't know. I'll see how it goes. I might call him Martin, like Martin Lawrence. [00:55:35] Speaker A: Wait, you're literally going to call him Martin Paws? [00:55:38] Speaker B: No, of course not. Don't be. [00:55:39] Speaker A: Oh, come on. [00:55:41] Speaker B: Well, we'll make that part of his longer, official name. That'll be his middle name, his AKC registered name. Yeah, you know, Martin whatever his real name is. Martin Paws Kerik. You know, like they do when they put the three. [00:55:54] Speaker A: Oh, man, you really gotta break the heart of the discord voter. [00:56:00] Speaker B: Well, that's, you know, it's a second name. It's like it's, you know, middle name. Those big Martin paws, are you rolling with. [00:56:07] Speaker A: Do you have an idea? Do you. Have you named him yet? [00:56:09] Speaker B: Yeah, we have. We have. [00:56:11] Speaker A: What's his name? [00:56:12] Speaker B: Rocky. [00:56:14] Speaker A: Why rocky? [00:56:15] Speaker B: Because he looks like a raccoon. He's got a raccoon face. So Rocky raccoon from the Beatles song. We tried to come up with a lot of rocky names, and Rocky went out. So that's where we're going. As he walks by me, you heard me say his name. [00:56:30] Speaker A: Hmm. [00:56:31] Speaker B: Okay, buddy. Why, he's right here saying, hello. Martin Paws was a good one. That was fun. I appreciate everybody. [00:56:40] Speaker A: I kind of feel stupid for making such a big deal out of it now. [00:56:45] Speaker B: No, it was fun. It was a fun bit. Not like, I mean his middle name. I said, it's Rocky. Martin Paz Carrick. There you go. It's full name. [00:56:52] Speaker C: The vet's gonna be real confused. [00:56:54] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:56:57] Speaker A: I think your dog's gonna be confused when everybody sees you out in the street and goes, hey, look, it's buzz and Martine Paws. [00:57:03] Speaker B: Yeah, that could be a stage name. Martin Paws. [00:57:05] Speaker C: Let's be honest. All rescues in their mind go for at least five months where they're like, why is this asshole saying this word and looking at me? Yeah, what is that? [00:57:18] Speaker B: You know, it's. It's. It's a good one. It's fun. [00:57:21] Speaker A: All right, well, congratulate. Welcome to the family, Rocky. Thanks, Martin Paws. Carrot. [00:57:27] Speaker B: Yeah, I'll have to get a better picture of him this time. [00:57:30] Speaker A: Yeah, you need to get a. Yeah, the picture you've been farming around with the cone on is hard to tell what he looks like. [00:57:35] Speaker B: It's all I had. I had to leave the cone on for him. Ten days. I couldn't quite. You know, I couldn't take it off early, so I'll get a good. [00:57:41] Speaker A: Yeah, but you could. You saw more cone than you did, dog. That's what I like, a side shot of him or something, you know. [00:57:47] Speaker B: It's a big cone. [00:57:48] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. Okay. [00:57:50] Speaker C: You missed a trick. You could have given a temporary name of Coney dog. [00:57:57] Speaker A: I like that. Damn, that's funny. Very good. All right, what else? Anything else we need to talk about before we wrap this up and go for the night? [00:58:06] Speaker B: I think that's it. You know, this. That's pretty much covers it. Let's start getting into weird topics. [00:58:10] Speaker A: But what weird topic? [00:58:12] Speaker B: Oh, just like, you know, things people wouldn't care about, like the academy or whatever, and how well the teams are doing. [00:58:17] Speaker A: How is North Texas doing? [00:58:18] Speaker B: Well, North Texas is really good. They've only lost one game. [00:58:21] Speaker A: Oh, wow. [00:58:21] Speaker B: Really exciting to play. They're phenomenal, you know, because. Because Dallas, the first team, has all these veterans filling up all the bottom of the roster spots, all of whom have no help to the franchise beyond the next month and a half. Um, you know, that means all the homegrowns in the young talents that ordinarily would be getting all these minutes are stuck down in North Texas. So North Texas, as a consequence, is really, really good. They beat everybody all the time. They've lost one game and it was on the road, and they should have been up four nothing in that game before if the keeper hadn't stood on his head and had the game of his career. So they're good, and as a consequence, they're not really any academy players playing up with them. The only one that's getting any minutes at all is Daniel Barron, who's the player I'm very interested in, but he's only getting garbage minutes, and there's nobody else really getting anything now. You know, the academy season will end in June, mid June, or a couple weeks into June, I think, you know, and then we'll start to maybe see a little more shift. We maybe we'll see a little some guys getting a train, maybe some guys coming out and sit on the bench. But unless they move up, unless Dallas changes what they're doing and moves up these extra homegrowns, because there's like ten guys down there right now from the first team playing, so there's no room for any academy kids. So it's completely broken the pathway, you know, it's completely put. So I don't know what's going to give on this thing because it's going to really hurt FC Dallas in the long run. We talked about a couple of times, but it continues to be true. You know, that no, no academy kids are getting shots with North Texas and no North Texas guys are getting shots. I mean, no one had a game and he looked great and then nothing. They didn't play him again. Like, they easily could have played him again in the cup and they didn't. They went with seeking instead who's 26, 27 and has no more upside available. It's like, not gonna be better than he is. So, you know, but whatever. [01:00:10] Speaker A: All right. [01:00:11] Speaker B: That's the thing, Peter, like, you talk about, like, you know, what, what are you, what are they playing for? What's the joy? What's to get excited about? That's the thing that's killed my joy more than anything is the fact that it's like, they're just grinding it out with a bunch of veterans that are past it and are not going to help the team get any better ever. It's just don't lose, you know? Whereas they can be playing veterans. [01:00:29] Speaker C: Dudes. [01:00:30] Speaker B: They're dudes. Yeah. [01:00:31] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:00:31] Speaker B: Just playing all these dudes, it just drives me up the wall. You know, soccer is a young man's game, not a game for kid. People in their thirties, they need to. At the pro level. [01:00:40] Speaker A: Yes. I. [01:00:41] Speaker B: It's just stupid. [01:00:42] Speaker A: I'm with you. I'm 100% on, on, on the same sad train as you, Buzz. I don't, I don't get it either. It's not entertaining. It's not fun to watch. But you know what? I'm going to go to LA and I'm going to have fun and I'm going to root for. [01:00:57] Speaker B: Yeah, that will be fun. I'm trying to figure out if I can do a sporting Kansas City double. That'll be fun. [01:01:02] Speaker A: You should. [01:01:03] Speaker B: Yeah. Take my trailer up there, maybe, and a doge. [01:01:06] Speaker A: I'm getting to mark off two more stadiums. People are surprised to find out I've never actually been to the Galaxy stadium. [01:01:13] Speaker B: I have it. [01:01:14] Speaker A: Yeah, no, no. I'm kind of surprised to haven't been there. But I'm really looking forward to both of those experiences. But I'm also looking forward to going to Disneyland on Thursday. [01:01:23] Speaker B: That'll be fun, too. [01:01:24] Speaker A: Yes. Good Lord, Disneyland tickets are expensive. Holy crap. [01:01:29] Speaker B: Yeah, they are. [01:01:30] Speaker A: Goodness gracious. All right, well, very good, boys and girls. I think that is a well done, wrapped up episode of third degree, the podcast. Danielle, it's always good to talk to you, my friend. [01:01:42] Speaker C: Likewise. [01:01:44] Speaker A: And buzz. Man, I love a salty buzzard. [01:01:49] Speaker B: Yeah, you know, I'm sure no one's gonna agree with me on some of my salt on this one, but, you know, whatever. [01:01:55] Speaker A: I like an opinion and willing to die on that hill. [01:01:58] Speaker B: Well, I'm a lot more open to Dan's suggestion of it being a rest. I can buy that. So I'm good. [01:02:07] Speaker A: Maybe it was just a function of all those things and timing and convenience, Buzz. Maybe it wasn't just that or the other. Could have been. [01:02:13] Speaker B: Thankfully, it worked out. Thankfully Jesus didn't get hurt in the 27th minute, you know. [01:02:18] Speaker A: Yep. [01:02:19] Speaker B: Third degree of the podcast has been brought to you by Soccer 90 Dot. If you want to get your hands on the newest FC Dallas True band collab and score a deal this memorial weekend only get the FC Dallas true band hat at 25% off the regular price. Still, stars autumn Friday at Soccer 90 Dot at 09:00 a.m. hurry up. Limited inventory only available for this offer. The sale is Memorial Day. And also, if you want to get 20% off as usual with code 30 degree in store or online, you can do that. Soccer 90 Dot this podcast was also brought to you by the Lindstrom law firm for Wills Trust, probates and business law. Call 469-515-2559 that's 469-515-2559 or visit lindseymlawfirm.com for a free consultation. [01:03:01] Speaker A: And by the way, since we recorded this, mavericks one game, one go mas, go masks. Isn't that nice? All right, well, thank you. And thank you, FC Dallas curious fans. Don't forget to go buy your FC Dallas curious t shirt in Buzz's new store, by the way, which you can find a link to on his [email protected]. dot. If I ever. Cause I don't think I've yet to see anybody wearing an FC Dallas curious out in the wilds yet. Oh, I don't think I have. Me personally, I think I've seen pictures of people wearing it. I don't think I've stumbled across somebody wearing one in the out in the wild. And if I do spot you wearing it, I'm gonna run up to you and give you a hug whether you like it or not. So there. [01:03:44] Speaker C: Well, that's different. [01:03:46] Speaker A: All right, and then we will speak to you next week on another episode of third degree of the podcast. Oh, wait, I don't even know if I'll be able to do that because I'll be traveling next week, so I may not be here for next week's episode, road podcast. Oh, maybe we'll figure it out. All right, we'll talk to you guys next week. [01:04:01] Speaker C: Will Peter make it? Won't he? Who knows? Find out next week. Third degree the third degree nepot. [01:04:10] Speaker B: Third degree the third degree nail podcast. Third degree the third degree. Third degree. Third degree never can.

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